Look — no one dreads a closet cleanout more than I do. Aside from the fact that it takes both time and a lot of physical effort, I hate getting rid of my clothes. After all, I'm of the belief that everything I own comes with a handful of memories. Like, I graduated college in that pleated, asymmetrical dress; had my first kiss in that graphic tee; and gave a horribly embarrassing presentation in those plaid, high-waisted trousers.
But as much as I hate to throw those pieces away, I'm well aware that some of them have an expiration date. Whether it's because the season's changing, certain trends are retired (for now), or threads are pulling, Jan. 1 means it's officially time for a wardrobe haul. And I'm inviting you on my journey.
Below are the 11 items I'm throwing away, but not necessarily into the garbage. There are plenty of places where you can donate to those in need, and you can always sell your threads too — whether it's at your local thrift store or on eBay. Make sure to maintain an ethical sensibility and recognize that just because you're through with a top doesn't mean someone else can't make use of it.
And once that's done, it's time to shop for replacements, which is, of course, the fun part. Because how else would you reward yourself for a job well done? Scroll down to see how I'm refreshing my wardrobe so it's completely ready for the New Year. Who said that Spring was the season for cleaning?
Source http://www.popsugar.com/fashion/How-Clean-Out-Your-Closet-Fall-35587939#photo-35587939
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