Friday, 26 December 2014

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake, Perfected

Often it's the most classic of recipes that take the longest to develop. Case in point: the chocolate chip cookie cake. A few months back, my co-worker requested it for his birthday, and I quickly rose to the challenge. The first batch was chewy on the inside and crisp on the outside, but my pie tin wasn't the right vessel, and the cookie cake sunk in the center.For the second batch, I used a pizza pie pan, which I quickly discovered was not the appropriate baking vehicle, as the cookie dough oozed out the sides at an alarming rate, sizzling on the oven floors and smoking up my kitchen. But I held firm to the belief that the third go would be the charm. Sure enough, using a proper cookie cake pan and halving my recipe resulted in a perfect chocolate chip cookie cake that my lucky co-workers demolished before noon.

So, for many reasons, this recipe was a long time in the making, but I think the end result is well worth the laborious process. The secret, I believe, is in the sugar: it's a homemade brown sugar, made with pure cane sugar and molasses. You'll be amazed how robustly flavored and melt-in-your-mouth that cookie cake is, just because you sweetened it with something a little out of the ordinary.


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